I got a second misgurnus

イメージ 1
My Celsior has a CD unit which doesn’t work for sometime now. I happened
to succeed to fix the broken door lock / unlock actuator the other day and the
next project I am in a mood to do is the CD unit. Removing the unit and
opening the upper cover of it, I found the spindle motor not working.
But putting my finger to help to rotate the CD, it worked and the sound was
coming out from the speakers properly.
I measured the voltage at the motor and it was around 5V. When a CD was
rotating by the aid of my finger, it was around 1.7V. It looked like the motor
drive circuit was alive. Only the motor was half dead. It did not have enough
initial torque to start up to rotate the CD.  I wanted to replace the motor but
it was not easy to obtain.
What I thought was to try to investigate how the motor was half dead. I tried
to see the inside but it was not as easy as the one used for the door. The
motor rotated some and it worked almost fine with my finger's aid. What made
the situation like this?
イメージ 2
As I saw the top cover of the motor, there were 4 holes, and I decided to blow
the compressed air to them each. I tried so and I noticed some black dusts
were coming out of other 3 holes while the compressed air was applied.
Doing this repeatedly got no more dust and I tried to play the CD.
Everything worked fine.
イメージ 3
I think I get a second misgurnus. A misgurnus? The prime minister of Japan
Mr. Noda has a nickname Misgurnus. What I mean here is not to get him twice
but I mean to say I get something precious twice lately using the same idea.
In Japan we have a saying, “ The second misgurnus under the pillow tree is
not there any more.” May be you don’t understand this well enough. In English,
there are similar proverbs like, ”A fox isn't caught twice in the same snare.”,
“There are no birds of this year in last year's nest.”
The proverb is not always correct, I understand today.