Home blew tachometer for Honda Life

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Looking for parts for Macs to repair, I found this in my junk box. It's a current meter sized a floppy disk
bought more than a decade ago in Akihabara. Honda Life the car in my family doen't have a tachometer
and I decided to fook this up adding a DA converter.
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A home made pulse generator and DA converter is now attached and the testing is going on.
It looks functioning properly at 5700rpm.
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Added white LEDs for the illumination. This is just to check the brightness and LEDs were just on it.
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Connection to the ECU.
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Now Honda Life has the tachometer. The engine is running at 2600rpm as is checked by the frequency
counter reading the ignition pulse from the ECU. everything is working OK except the wiring is not finished
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The home made DA converter with a voltage regulator is there between the ECU and the meter. It is a
simple O.S.
Adding a tachometer helped me to find a serious problem caused by the ECU. The Honda Life sometimes
showed unusual indication of the over heat and the power steering motor error although the engine was
just turned on. It tends to happen when the air conditioning is on. I will introduce the detail some day soon.